Had a few days free to visit Scotland, and decided to try and see some new Dragonfly species, plus a few Orchids restricted to the North of the UK.
I was in my campervan, so the timetable was very flexible, and subject only to the weather. The initial couple of days had a good forecast, so I focussed on the Dragonflies. First stop was Allt Mhuic butterfly reserve, in search of Azure Hawker. I was unsuccessful, except for a likely individual flying lower over the boggy moorland. I did however, see Chequered Skipper which was a massive bonus, being right at the end of their flight season, and quite unexpected. Moths put in a good appearance with Argent and Sable, Small Argent and Sable, plus Satin Lutestring.
Finally some good flowers here including Heath Fragrant Orchid and Common Butterwort.
The hydro-electric dam is currently being built right down the middle of the reserve, which looks to have affected the central area. I decided to move on, thinking I had a better chance of more Dragonflies at Loch Maree.
This unscheduled addition to the trip was a good choice. The next morning I kicked up several Azure Hawkers, a Brilliant Emerald, and fresh looking Northern Emerald. Two Pine Martens crossing the road was a bonus.
From here, I rejoined my original route, and headed over to Loch Garten. The following day's weather forecast looked bad, so I was keen to see Northern Damsel, which I caught up with on the approach to Loch Garten at the large lake. Figured I would have to leave White faced Darter for another time, but did catch up with two at the smaller pools near the visitor centre the following lunchtime, just before the weather really did change for the worse.
A fairly long walk to Torhill was very successful eventually with Twinflower eventually being seen. (1000's just off the path, and just outside the much publicised grid ref!) I also found my first Creeping lady's Tresses, not quite in flower, but a cool flower all the same.
Left Loch Garten and started my journey home, with a few stops on the way. Loch Rannoch and Keltneyburn were good for flowers with Common Wintergreen, Chickweed Wintergreen at the former and eventually a single Small White Orchid at the latter. Also, some new ferns for me including Maidenhair Spleenwort, and Brittle bladder fern, plus Alpine Bistort, and Northern Marsh Orchid.
The ferns so much easier in the North I think.
My final day was spent at Hutton roof, where I didn't find Dark Red Helleborine. Wasn't expecting this to be difficult, but I searched for many miles without any joy. Did see the Rigid Buckler Fern and Blue Moor grass, plus a Pygmy Shrew which was very unexpected.
Returned home, smarting a bit from missing the Helleborine, Lesser Twayblade, and Coralroot Orchid, but will have less of a drive next time to search for these at least!
photo: Azure Hawker
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