More New Forest, and Stoborough Heath
A couple more days out, with plenty to see as we head into Autumn.
I ventured over to Stoborough Heath, stopping in the New Forest on the way. Was unsuccessful, again, looking for Field Gentian, but did manage to see Coral Necklace and Pennyroyal.
Stoborough and Hartland was pretty good, following in the footsteps of the author of the Purbeck Flowers book. The trick with this book is to work out what you can see at each site, and create waypoints before your trip. This way, you can pretty much move from site to site picking off the flowers. Some were seen, others were over for the year, others are probably no longer present at some sites, but it worked mostly.
Finally caught up with Field Gentian at Wilverley, I think the problem was being a bit too enthusiastic. Sure people were seeing plants, but very early. It's often better to wait a couple of weeks for more flowers and bigger flowers to appear. They certainly arent that difficult once they have started to hit their peak numbers.
Finally, the New Forest Reptile Surveys have kicked off for the year! Wasted no time in checking out my new survey square and saw a couple of Smooth Snakes. I suspect not many people will have seen just Smooth Snake this year! (or any year in fact!) but that starts to sum up 2020.
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