Studland Flowers

Much of my flower hunting is frustrated by a semi-secrecy of rare flower sites. It is only on arrival, that I realise the vagueness of directions, often sucked in by comments such as "very near the path", which turn out to be any of several miles of paths! More often than not there is just enough information to tempt you to visit, but have a very slim chance of finding what you are looking for. Makes for some great challenges, and I always get there in the end.

I get the need for caution with people digging up flowers, but if I can find them, someone with poor motives will also find the flowers based on the info out there.

However, the book "The Wild Flowers of the Isle of Purbeck" bucks this trend and has excellent directions to some great plants. I spent a morning in Studland Heath, and finally saw Great Sundew, fairly easily, after several hours in the New Forest without luck!

Other highlights were Sea Lavender and a few other coastal species plus Royal Fern.

