Orchid weekend!
This was probably one of my best weekends ever watching wildlife.
We always go out with targets in mind but rarely see them all, (bar one!), plus more.
I set off Friday night, slept in the campervan and was at Hartslock Saturday morning. I failed to see a Clubtail Dragonfly on the way to the orchid site, but once at Hartlock the spectacle was superb with tiny Monkey Orchids and huge Lady-Monkey hybrids.
On my way back to my van I was lucky enough to find a Clubtail Dragonfly emerging out of the River Thames. Had superb views of it's wings enlarging for an hour and a half.
Hunger got the better of me and I left it to finish the process alone.
Next stop was Homefield wood where the Military Orchids were showing very well, also Fly Orchid White Helleborine and Birds nest Orchid was a bonus, although the latter wasn't very well developed.
My final destination for Saturday was Knocking Hoe nature reserve near Luton. This is a superb little reserve with Pasque flowers in the hundreds and also small colony of Burnt Tip Orchids which I finally managed to see. The fenced off areas flags and cages helped a great deal.
Saturday night in the campervan in Surrey ready for a morning trip to Box hill looking for Man Orchid. Here, my luck ran out, and I was unable to track one down, but did see Twayblade.
Ended the weekend at Chappet's Copse, surrounded by many Sword-leaved Helleborine.
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