Some bat detector outputs in the screenshot, but the highlight of this survey was a very close Otter swimming past...

Some bat detector outputs in the screenshot, but the highlight of this survey was a very close Otter swimming past me, right into the beam of my torch.. majestic!
Originally shared by Peter Jones
Completed my Bat surveys for the year with a Waterways survey of Daubenten's Bats at the River Test. amazing numbers with over 60 "passes" during the two surveys. Many will be the same bat, but even so, that's a lot of activity!
Also, plenty of Natterer's in the area, and the screenshot below of Daubenten's (top) and Natterer's (bottom) illustrates the more curved sonograms of Daubenten's, compared to the straighter Natterer's calls. Not much in it though, and it is fortunate that their behaviour differs so radically, with Daubenten's hovercrafting over the surface, Natterer's taking head shots at anyone walking near them!
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