Visited the ile D'Oleron in France for a family holiday.

Visited the ile D'Oleron in France for a family holiday. A lovely island on the west coast of France connected to the mainland by a fairly impressive bridge. The habitat on the island is dominated by ditches, canals and man-made ponds, quite unlike anywhere I have ever been in Europe, perhaps reminiscent of Israeli fishponds, and the wildlife was pretty cool.

One highlight on the journey down was a brief glimpse of a Polecat in the headlights, plus a couple of Black Kites.

The island was far enough South to have some nice birds including Short-toed Eagle, Hoopoe, and Night Heron. Melodious Warblers were numerous, and Scops Owl was heard most nights.

The commonest birds on the Island were Serin, Turtle Dove, Black Redstart, Cattle and Little Egret, Nightingale, and Marsh Harrier. Cirl Bunting and Short-toed treecreeper being the other highlights.

Best of the dragonflies and damsels were:

Southern Emerald Damselfly,
Scarce Emerald Damselfly
Dainty Damselfly
Southern Migrant Hawker
Scarlet Darter, and Red-Veined Darter

plus Black-tailed Skimmer, Emperor, and 4-spotted Chaser.

Both Marsh and Edible Frog were seen on one small ditch, and Common Wall Lizard were present on the campsite.
Pyramidal Orchid, Lizard Orchid and Bee Orchid were found around the campsite. The only disappointment was the Butterflies though numerous didn't seem to have any big surprises. Glanville's Fritillary the highlight.
