A very hot day in the New Forest, and a very long walk, from Burley to Ober Water.
A very hot day in the New Forest, and a very long walk, from Burley to Ober Water. White-legged Damselfly was the main target, this being pretty much the only site in Hampshire, and I eventually found a couple. Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly was also on my most wanted list and I was lucky to find a couple in a nearby boggy stream. Plenty of Large Red Damsels around, and a few Broad-bodied Chasers. A freshly emerged Keeled Skimmer was looking really smart.
Best of the birds were Cuckoo, Redstart, and Tree Pipit, plus a few Stonechats.

Best of the birds were Cuckoo, Redstart, and Tree Pipit, plus a few Stonechats.
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