This morning at the very iconic Hurst castle. Weather was mild and the tide falling.

This morning at the very iconic Hurst castle. Weather was mild and the tide falling.
The sea was very quiet for bird life. 6 Common Scoter, 2 Eider, and 2 Black-throated Diver were the highlights. The Divers called as they flew past giving a nice brief image of northern Scandinavia, and conveniently confirming them as Black-Throated beyond any doubt. (Divers in flight being tricky at the best of times).
Overhead a Skylark called. Never had any real vismig going on at this location
Elsewhere the scrub around the castle was quiet. The saltmarsh was full of waders and wildfowl. A Greenshank was the best I could manage amongst the many Dunlin, Curlew, Turnstone, Brents, teal and Wigeon.
A pair of Stonechat completed the morning.
#seawatch #Diver
A return visit the following week was also productive with a smart male GoldenEye, a tight flock of 50 Ringed Plover, 2 Black-throated Diver still around. Today they were seen well on the water, white flank patches seen briefly along with horizontal beak, snake like head and neck with extensive dark crown and nape. A Black Redstart was a nice surprise at the castle. In the New forest on the way home, I found a couple of Hawfinches in tree tops, and heard Crossbill and Siskin.