Spring arrives

  • Firecrest, Raven and Woodcock establishing territories locally
Probably the mildest March I have ever known, and subsequently the Summer migrants seem to be puring through fairly quickly. My part of the world in Hampshire, about 20 miles inland seems to suffer from very few passage migrants when the weather is fine, and so far in March the only activity has been breeding birds arriving on territories. Firecrest and Raven are both holding territories nearby, and Woodcock seem to be fairly abundant in the nearby woodland. Still haven't recorded a Woodcock from the garden, but came very close with two over the adjacent street last week.

Also, in the surrounding commons and fallow land, Stonechats seem to be making a recovery compared to last year. 4 Territories so far.

Further afield, I did spend a morning at Lepe and Calshot, but I seemed to have fallen between seasons, with just my first Swallow and a very pale Buzzard giving me excitement.

The bird feeders are starting to ease off now, but I did manage the photos of Starling and Blue tit below. The Reed Bunting was at Lepe.

Blue TitStarlingReed Bunting
