Annual leave in June II

A second week of enforced annual leave. This gave me lots of opportunities for going out looking for wildlife, but for some reason it was really tough going.

First up was a trip to New Forest in search of Wild Gladiolus. I can only assume the location I have chosen hasn't got any in flower at the moment, I get that they are elusive under the bracken but I walked 10 miles! surely I'd have seen one, especially as I was picking out moths, and Lesser Butterfly Orchids.

Next was a trip to Hurst in search of Dew Moth, this was no easier, although I did see plenty of coastal flower species, and always good to see Little Tern and Med Gull. I didn't even see Cinnabar, which may suggest the heat was too much for day flying moths on this occasion? Anyway, another one for next year!

My LED moth trap failed, in the back garden fortunately, and was just a failed piece of soldering. I'm no expert, so will get the odd malfunction. Just relieved I hadn't blown a LED!

I'm not even half way thru my week off!

Saturday, i ventured out to another area looking for Gladiolus. Gave up, and messaged someone on Twitter who had seen them in previous years. He was very helpful, and put me in roughly the right area, (I was nowhere near!). Another hour, and I finally found three plants in flower, very nice. Also found Heath Dog Violet, just a single flower. Twenty miles searching in total, including earlier in the week.
