It's been a long few months, but the latest Covid19 relaxation allowed overnight stops in my campervan. Taking advantage, I stocked up on food locally, and planned a round trip to Norfolk for Creeping Ladies Tresses, via some Chiltern Orchid sites, and Fowlmere for a shot at Water Shrew. All went well logistically, the Britstops weren't bothered that I just took advantage of the car park for overnight sleeping and not going into the pub (a 14 day track and trace lock down, or worse, wouldn't be ideal!). First stop was the A343 south West of Newbury for Green flowered Helleborine. Found about 10 eventully in what is a pretty grim venue, cars flying past. What looked like the best specimen, I actually saw from the van on my way out of the area, but decided against going back for another look. Then onto Norfolk. Burnham Overy to Holkham is a good walk with some good plants, and 2 Cattle Egrets a good find. No joy with the Creeping Ladies Tresses, I was in the right area, just ...