Ups and Downs

After many weeks in lockdown, I was pretty quick out of the blocks once the restrictions were lifted slightly allowing unlimited drives for exercise.
My chosen exercise was a decent walk across Prescombe Down, West of Salisbury.

First surprise was how quiet the roads are despite the partial lifting of the lockdown. Salisbury looked to be starting to get busier, but the countryside roads are still owned by cyclists at the moment.
The downs, I saw just one distant pair of walkers.

Superb place, I'd hoped to see Adonis Blue and Marsh Fritillary, both of which I haven't seen for many years, but neither were showing in the mostly sunny late morning. did see Green Hairstreak and Small Blue which was always a treat. Also Dingy Skipper and Grizzled Skipper.

Did see 5-Spot Burnet moth which was a first for me, and luckily a couple of the pics I took confirmed the i.d. from the commoner Narrow-bordered 5-Spot burnet. (The flight seasons also pointed to 5-Spot.)

Best of the Flowers were Early Gentian, this being one of the few UK sites, and Common Rock Rose.

In the distance, a Corn Bunting was singing, and a Red Kite had an aerial battle with a Buzzard.

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