Lot/Dordogne, France, August, 2019
Some sightings from a family holiday in Lot /Dordogne region of France in August. Stayed at the campsite chateau de fonrives. Yelloh village, so a busy and family-friendly site. To be avoided if birds are your main passion! But some other wildlife was seen around the campsite. Bird wise, it was incredibly poor with Collared Dove, Starling, Green Woodpecker, and Robin, the only species I can recall seeing. The journey down at least had Hoopoe and Turtle Dove! Plus Great Skua, Gannet, Kittiwake and Fulmar on the ferry crossing . Mammals were similarly thin on the ground, although I'm told Red Squirrels are seen in quieter months, and it was good for bats.. Noctule, Leisler's, Serotine, Daubenten's, Kuhl's, Common and Soprano Pipistrelle, all detected in a 30 minute walk. Reptiles and Amphibians, got me 2 new species with Parsley Frog, and Spiny Toad, plus plenty of Wall Lizards, and an Edible/Marsh frog best left alone as both species, plus the hybrid are pre...