
Showing posts from April, 2019

Fishlake Meadows bats Spent the evening with the bat detector at Fishlake Meadows. Started well, with several Noctules hunting close, I'm more used to seeing them commuting past, so nice to see them for more prolonged views, plus a bit of video! The rest of the evening was dominated by Soprano Pipistrelle. A single Common Pipistrelle, and a Daubenten amongst the chaos. Thought I was picking upyoris bats, but these all turned out to be Soprano Pips in clutter. An early season error I guess!

RSPB Garston Wood and Martin Down

I was really looking forward to visiting Martin Down, and was going to pop into RSPB Garston Wood solely to see Toothwort, which is often reported from there. The day turned on it's head with Garston Wood being an incredible place, and Martin down being, well, hard work with little reward. Garston Wood was amazing. An A-to-Z of woodland plants with Bluebells, and Ramsons everywhere, quite a few Early Purple Orchids, Solomon's Seal, Bugle, Yellow Archangel, Butcher's Broom, Dog's Mercury, Primrose, Wood Spurge, Wood Sorrell, and yes, eventually I found two Toothwort very close to the car park, which I had walked past twice. On to Martin Down, where I had hoped to see Green-Winged Orchid, but no joy. It was like going back a month, with a very barren landscape. Did manage Hairy Violet, Ladies Bedstraw, Chalk Milkwort. Hard work though, and to think I hope to return within a month for Burnt Orchid and Green-winged orchid.. It might be worth my while looking for a s...


Something good came of Twitter! I saw a post with sightings of Snake's Head Fritillary fairly local, so headed out there today, and eventually found them. In the last place I looked, after scouring the area. I still lack that 6th sense when looking for flowers. Anyway, the Fritillaries were amazing, and many miles closer to home than what I thought was my closest colony. Also a few Cowslip, Marsh Marigold, Cuckooflower and Water Avens. album


Some nice flowers on a long walk from Dancing Ledge to Durlston. Early Spider Orchids were everywhere, and I eventually found some Early Purple Orchids in Bloom. I must have been a little early for Green-winged Orchids, of which I failed to find any. 

Reptile Survey season gets underway

photo gallery The 2019 New Forest reptile surveys, started for me, with a successful survey. Started off quiet, which got the alarm bells ringing. ( The last 3 or 4 surveys of 2018 were all blank in very hot conditions). However, I think I started a little too early. One thing is for certain on this pretty large survey is that you will always hit the productive time of the morning at some point. And so it was, about halfway round, right through to the end, I was treated to several Adder sightings, both under refugia, and in the open, plus one Smooth Snake, a couple of Common Lizards, and 4 Slow Worm.