Egret and Cranes (-bill)
A good dog walk at Skidmore, along the River Test. This area is prone to the odd false bird record from an over enthusiastic local. (Brown Flycatcher and Icterine Warbler being the most extreme). This is sad, because what should be a pleasant location is forever tainted, and expectations are unfairly elevated due to its history. Anyway, today was pleasant, bearing in mind I had no binoculars, and 1 dog. A small flock of Hirundines passed over. This part of the test can be brilliant for Swallows and Martins, especially if the weather turns bad. Lapwings were displaying, and a Great White Egret was in a flooded field. A couple of years ago this would have been massive. Nowadays, Great Whites are repoeted pretty much daily in the area. Best of the flowers was a very small Dove's foot Cranesbill, picture below