Spent a couple of days in East Anglia.

Spent a couple of days in East Anglia. Willow Emerald Damselfly, and Water Shrew the targets. The weather took a turn for the worse before I left, which almost caused me to cancel, but I took the gamble.
Saturday at Titchwell was very bleak, and it was starting to look like the Damselfly, known to have colonised part of the reserve, would not show. Luckily, late morning, the sun broke through, and after half an hour or so, the sun finally emerged into a patch of blue sky, and dragonflies suddenly appeared everywhere. A Willow Emerald soon followed, and I watched it land. Good views were had, not so good photos obtained, and it stayed on this branch all day, giving others the chance to see it. Very lucky!
Sunday at RSPB Fowlmere failed to turn up a Water Shrew, but I did find Brown Trout and Signal Crayfish in the small river, and a Weasel near the car park.
