
Showing posts from August, 2018

News of Water Shrews showing well at RSPB Fowlmere had me heading there for Bank Holiday Monday.

News of Water Shrews showing well at RSPB Fowlmere had me heading there for Bank Holiday Monday. I managed to miss them first thing before I arrived, and spent most day fruitlessly waiting for them to reappear. Plenty of Dragonflies though with several Migrant Hawkers, and a Brown Hawker, plus Sparrowhawk and Hobby. Highlight of the day was a Stoat running wild outside the hide for a couple of minutes

A week spent camping at Val de Bonnal in Eastern France.

A week spent camping at Val de Bonnal in Eastern France. Lots of lakes and a river meant plenty of Dradgonflies, 14 or 15 species seen in the week, the best being Green-eyed Pincertail, and Goblet-marked Damselfly, both new for me, plus Scarlet Darter. Queen of Spain Fritillary and Heath Fritillary were seen well, plus a few Grasshoppers and Bush-Crickets which I think I have identified correctly. Common Wall Lizards allowed close up photos, one actually ran under the camera when it sensed danger!

Spent a week in Eastern France at Val de Bonnal, a complex of lakes and a river.

Spent a week in Eastern France at Val de Bonnal, a complex of lakes and a river. Although the immediate area was pretty intensively manicured, there were a few unkept areas with plenty of wild flowers. Hopefully most are correctly identified..