A surprisingly good walk through Rownham's Wood after work on Friday 10th July..

A surprisingly good walk through Rownham's Wood after work on Friday 10th July.. 

Siskins were calling overhead, as they have been calling over my house half a mile North, for much of the year. Have yet to work out exactly where they are breeding and commuting to, but nice to hear them so frequently. One mystery solved was the Kingfisher which was regularly seen along the brook outside my house overwinter, looks to have a territory further downstream in the wood. I got a nice view as he shot past.

Best was yet to come with a Tree Pipit singing in the cleared area, and a Firecrest singing nearby. Both of these are new for me in this wood, and I don't see any previous records for either in the wood.

Also, a few Beautiful Demoiselles, and a White Admiral.
