I spent a couple of hours in the local area on Sunday..

I spent a couple of hours in the local area on Sunday..

Best finds were:

2 Stonechats still wintering on farmland near the house,

Dunbridge Lake had a single Aythya Duck which after brief excitement and a jog back to the car for my scope, turned out to be a 1st Winter Tufted Duck,

Palestine / Jack's Bush area of farmland on the edge of Salisbury Plain was pretty quiet compared to typical Winter afternoon/dusk visits:
No Raptors or Owls, and no Corn Buntings seen today, but a very close Grey Partridge (which I almost trod on having mistaken it for a stone), and 2 Yellowhammers, plus a decent flock of Fieldfare heading to roost. Also 1 Fox and two Roe Deer.
