
Showing posts from January, 2014

A nice male Firecrest showing well in woodland this morning.

A nice male Firecrest showing well in woodland this morning. I am lucky to have at least one territory within walking distance of home, but even with regular visits and dog walks to the area, they can often go missing. Also plenty of Redwings, plus 2 or 3 Mistle Thrushes, but very few Finches about at the moment.
Worth keeping an eye on....

I spent a couple of hours in the local area on Sunday..

I spent a couple of hours in the local area on Sunday.. Best finds were: 2 Stonechats still wintering on farmland near the house, Dunbridge Lake had a single Aythya Duck which after brief excitement and a jog back to the car for my scope, turned out to be a 1st Winter Tufted Duck, Palestine / Jack's Bush area of farmland on the edge of Salisbury Plain was pretty quiet compared to typical Winter afternoon/dusk visits: No Raptors or Owls, and no Corn Buntings seen today, but a very close Grey Partridge (which I almost trod on having mistaken it for a stone), and 2 Yellowhammers, plus a decent flock of Fieldfare heading to roost. Also 1 Fox and two Roe Deer.

Great story. Would love to see a wild Snowy Owl one day

Great story. Would love to see a wild Snowy Owl one day

The first Redpolls of the Winter to visit our garden, brightened up a miserable rainy day.

The first Redpolls of the Winter to visit our garden, brightened up a miserable rainy day. 2 Males and 1 Female today on the feeders, plus 4 Goldfinches.