The story so far!

I started looking for bats about 7 years ago. Armed with a fairly basic heterodyne Bat Detector I soon started to pick up the commonest species around Milton Keynes (Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle and Noctule, plus the occasional Natterer's and Daubenton's).

I then joined up with the North Bucks Bat group, and took part in some organised surveys before moving to my present house in Hampshire. Nowadays, I have a much better detector (a Pettersson D230 frequency division detector) which lets me listen to the heterodyne signal in one ear whilst recording Frequency division in my other ear (and to a recorder for further analysis).

My samples of the typical echolocation of some UK species are below together with sonograms, and power spectrums:

Common Pipistrelle

Common Pipistrelle sonogramCommon pip power

Soprano Pipistrelle

Photobucketsoprano pip power

Nathusius' Pipistrelle

Nathusius' Pipistrelle SonogramNathusius Pipistrelle sonogram


Photobucket Barbastelle power


Serotine sonogramSerotine Power Spectrum


Noctule sonogramNoctule Power Spectrum


PhotobucketWhiskered-Brandt's Power Spectrum

Brown Long Eared Bat, Natterer's  and Daubenten's  to be added.

Plus some more exotic bats from around Europe:

Greater Horseshoe (Sierra Morena Spain, although this bat also occurs in the UK)

Greater HorseshoeGreater Horseshoe Power Spectrum

Leisler's Bat (Madeira, although this bat also occurs in the UK)

PhotobucketLeisler's Power Spectrum

Madeiran Pipistrelle (In, yep, Madeira)

PhotobucketMadeiran Pipistrelle Power Spectrum

Kuhl's Pipistrelle (Sierra Morena)

Kuhl's Pipistrelle SonogramKuhl's Pipistrelle Power Spectrum


Also seen, but with no recordings: Schreiber's Bat,  Lesser Horseshoe, and Greater Mouse-eared Bat, plus a Pipistrelle sp. in Fuerteventura
